How to Reduce Epilation Redness

Shaving is a no-fuss way to get rid of unwanted hair, but sadly, that fuzz grows back too fast. Epilating, or yanking hair out at the roots, keeps your skin smoother for weeks. Whether you're waxing or plucking with tweezers, though, the aftermath isn't always pretty. An epilation session can leave your poor skin red and irritated -- not fun when you're headed to work or school. Try a few natural and store-bought remedies to give your skin the relief it needs.
Lay an ice pack or bag of frozen vegetables over the affected skin to soothe redness and burning.
Moisten a soft cloth with cool water, and then add a few drops of witch hazel, lavender essential oil or alcohol-free toner. This will ward off bacteria and ease skin irritation.
Smooth an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream over the irritated skin twice per day. The cream relieves itching and redness.
Apply an aloe-based gel or lotion to irritated skin. Aloe reduces redness, burning and itchiness.
Brew one or two teabags in hot water. Remove them from the water; drain off excess liquid and let the teabags cool. Dab the teabags gently over the inflamed skin to soothe it.
Allow your skin to breathe by wearing light, loose-fitting clothing. Tight clothing can rub against skin and make redness and irritation worse.
Avoid strenuous physical work or exercise for 24 hours after hair removal. Your skin needs time to rest and heal.
Stay out of hot showers, hot tubs and swimming pools for at least 24 hours after hair removal. Hot water will irritate skin more. Pools and hot tubs may also contain chemicals or harbor harmful bacteria that can cause more problems for your sensitive skin.
- Exfoliate before waxing to wipe out pore-blocking dirt and dead skin cells. This will make hair removal easier. You should also exfoliate again 24 hours after waxing to stop ingrown hairs.
- If the redness won't go away, cover it up with some light mineral makeup. Mineral makeup is gentler on skin compared to thick liquid foundation.
- If you're getting pimples or a rash in a certain spot after waxing, you might have a condition called allergic-contact dermatitis or irritant dermatitis. Talk to a dermatologist about other hair-removal options that won't irritate your skin. Some prescription creams slow hair growth so you won't need to wax or shave as often.