How to Relieve Redness From Waxing

Waxing is a surefire way to get silky-smooth skin -- unlike shaving, it doesn't leave behind prickly stubble. Better yet, it usually takes weeks for waxed hair to come back. But waxing isn't without its pitfalls. After a hair-removal session, you might suffer from redness, itching and soreness. Your skin needs time to get better. Speed up the recovery process with the right treatment.
Dampen a washcloth with cool water, then moisten it with a few drops of witch hazel, lavender essential oil or alcohol-free toner. Dab the waxed skin with the cloth to relieve redness and kill bacteria.
Smooth a thin layer of plain yogurt over the waxed area. Let it set for 15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. Yogurt helps soothe pain and redness. Alternatively, dampen a tea bag and press it against your skin a few times. The tannic acid gets rid of redness.
Apply a pea-sized amount of 1-percent hydrocortisone cream to irritated skin as soon as possible after waxing. This cream gets rid of redness, itchiness and inflammation.
Rub a mild exfoliating product into the skin 24 hours after waxing, then repeat the process every few days. This wards off ingrown hairs, which can cause redness and pain.
Wear loose clothing after waxing to allow skin to breathe. Tight-fitting clothes can rub against skin and further irritate it.
Avoid exercising or performing hard manual labor, if possible, for 24 hours after waxing. Exercising, for example, may irritate skin and make redness worse.
- Avoid waxing during the three days before your period begins. Your skin is very sensitive and more easily irritated at that time.
- Avoid hot showers, saunas, hot tubs or swimming pools for 24 hours after waxing. All of these can spread bacteria into your body via waxed skin.
- To prevent irritation next time, let your hair grow to at least 1/8 inch long before waxing it. Exfoliate the area you want to wax to get rid of dead skin cells. Dampen a washcloth with warm water, then press it down on the area to relax the hair follicles.