Preschool Activities for Teaching Bravery

Bravery is an interesting concept for preschool-age children. Most young children haven’t had to overcome their fear of public speaking or brave challenging situations. But many children do understand that you have to be brave to get a shot, or sleep without a night light. Having children participate in fun and engaging activities with bravery as a theme encourages bravery and an understanding of the concept.
1 Bravery Imaginary Play
Create a bravery imaginary play situation for preschoolers to experiment with, such as a hospital setting. Include a first-aid kit, bandages, scarves, pillows and stethoscope and pretend to give shots in an area of the classroom designated as the hospital. Have children take turns being the ones that are hurt, and the doctors and nurses that will help them. Encourage children to use language that inspires brave behavior, such as positive reinforcements. Have children switch places to experience being brave in the opposite role.
2 Brave Pictures
Draw pictures with children expressing their idea of bravery. Discuss as a group the word bravery and what kids think it means. Give each child a sheet of paper and crayons or markers and allow him to create a drawing showing bravery. Once children are finished, help them finish their artwork by writing a paragraph on the bottom of the artwork describing their brave picture.
3 Bravery Badges
Make bravery badges with preschool students celebrating simple acts of bravery. According to, St. George was a kind and courageous knight who protected people. He is the patron saint of Great Britain, Portugal, Catalonia, Aragon and Lithuania. The St. George cross is found on the British flag. Have children make their own unique bravery buttons using construction paper, glue, markers and scissors. Once the bravery badges are finished, each child can present a bravery button to a friend in celebration of a brave deed.
4 Bravery Soup
Read "Bravery Soup" by Maryann Cocca-Leffler with preschoolers and learn how Carlin, the main character of the story, overcomes his fear of everything. After reading the story, let each child take a turn sharing a story about when they overcame something they were fearful of.