What Is a Citizenship Award?

In school, children are routinely taught the importance of being good citizens. Civic responsibility is important for children and for adults of all ages. By exhibiting good citizenship skills, individuals show that they are productive and caring members of society. Good citizens treat others with respect, they respect authority, and they respect the environment. People who display good citizenship skills may be rewarded with a citizenship award.
1 Citizenship Awards in the Classroom
Students in all grades may receive citizenship awards from their teachers. If a student is respectful in class, works to help his peers and is interested in helping society to improve, then the teacher may select that individual for a citizenship award. The teacher can print up citizenship awards, or she may order recognition pins or ribbons for them. Citizenship awards are concrete symbols that recognize a student's good behavior and service to the community.
2 Young Citizenship Award
In partnership with classroom teachers, many national organizations recognize individuals who display exceptional civic responsibility. The National Exchange Club offers the Young Citizenship Award to pre-high school students. These students must show good citizenship behavior both at home, at school and in the community. Based on their observations, classroom teachers pick the students who are deserving of the citizenship award, and the awards are actually provided to the students by the local Exchange Club.
3 American Citizenship Award
The American Citizenship Award is a formal award offered to classroom students. The National Association of Elementary School Principals and the National Association of Secondary School Principals jointly administer the American Citizenship Award. In order to be eligible for this award, students must demonstrate that they promote citizenship, have a positive attitude, participate well in school and community activities, and have a good understanding of civic responsibility.
4 Benefits of a Citizenship Award
When students receive citizenship awards, their positive behavior is reinforced. In the classroom, teachers often spend time correcting bad behavior; with the citizenship award, teachers are given the opportunity to reward good behavior. Self-esteem is improved for the award recipients, and the award promotes activity in community service events.