Teaching Preschoolers About God's Grace
26 SEP 2017

When you want to raise your children to fully know and feel God's grace, it can be challenging to know how to explain this complex idea in a way that little ones can understand. Don't waste your time trying to explain what God's grace is in words to a preschooler. Demonstrate God's grace with fun and interactive crafts and activities that will really speak to your child's age level.
1 God's Grace Songs
Little children respond to lessons taught through song. What better way to explain to your child about God's grace than by singing certain grace-themed hymns and songs? Sing a few hymns and songs with your preschooler to teach her the words, then talk about what the song means and how it relates to the grace of God in your life. A few options include "Amazing Grace," "How Great Thou Art" and "This Little Light of Mine."
2 Grace-Related Arts and Crafts
Arts and crafts projects can be an ideal way to teach younger children about God's grace in a way that is both creative and exciting. With so many craft materials available, the ideas for grace-filled craft activities are endless. Use construction paper to cut out paper dolls while you talk to your preschooler about how God's love connects all of His children together. Paint a flower pot with tempera paint, then plant a seed in it to teach your little one about how God's grace can make love and life grow and flourish.
3 Grace Through Volunteering
Create a real-life situation that allows your preschooler to help those less fortunate. Look for a volunteering opportunity at your church or in your community that will allow a preschool-aged child to help out, such as at a clothing drive or collecting toys for children in need for the holidays. These simple acts of giving teach small children about how even the smallest of people can help pass on God's love.
4 Portraits of Grace
Children can see God's grace through images of themselves displaying different emotions. Ask your child to imagine doing something wrong, then have her draw a picture of her face after she feels guilt. Then, ask your child to imagine how God forgives her and loves her forever, and have her draw a picture of her face when she feels forgiven. You can also take pictures of your child instead of having her draw pictures, which can work well for younger preschoolers who may not have the dexterity to draw a portrait.