How to Make Your Bikini Line Look Better

Whether you’re headed to the beach or pool, your bikini line should look smooth and groomed. For some women, however, the bikini line can appear bumpy, broken-out or irritated after shaving. With a little extra maintenance, you can take care of your bikini line for soft, silky skin and wear your swimsuit with pride.
1 Steps for a Smoother Bikini Line
Avoid rough-looking razor burn and ingrown hairs by exfoliating the bikini line daily. A loofah glove or sponge is an ideal way to remove dead skin cells without over-exfoliating the sensitive bikini area. In addition, you can treat razor burn with a light dose of witch hazel or rosemary toner. Avoid using toner immediately after shaving; try applying it a few hours after a fresh shave to avoid stinging. Since the bikini area can become easily irritated, don’t wear tight fitting panties with tight elastic around the legs; this can lead to further redness along the delicate bikini line.