Children's Activities About Saint Peter
26 SEP 2017

Young kids love action-packed stories about famous Bible characters such as Saint Peter. Activities help them remember the Bible story and make it more interesting. Your child may garble the details when retelling the story, but the activities teach your child many simple concepts about your faith.
1 The Big Fisherman
Peter was a fisherman and left his boat and nets to follow Jesus. Glue a construction paper boat, fish and man shape on paper to help your child create a picture of Peter fishing. Add a second man shape to these elements to create Peter walking on water. Cut these shapes and other common shapes out of felt or flannel for use with a flannel board and he can illustrate many stories.
2 The Boat
The Bible tells two stories of Peter in a boat during a storm. Children often fear wild storms. Fill the sink or bathtub half full of water and place a plastic boat on the water. Let your child churn up the water with her hands, making waves that rock the boat to and fro. Read or tell Matthew 8:24-27, Mark 4:35-41 and Luke 8:22-25 about Jesus asleep in the boat or Matthew 14:24-32 where Jesus walks on water during the storm. Your daughter can place small dolls, paper cut-outs or clay balls in the boat to represent Jesus and the disciples. Have her retell the story, clear that Jesus calms the storm and restores peace.
3 Acting
Give your young son a bathrobe or long T-shirt and a belt to act out his favorite Saint Peter Bible stories. For example, toss a blue towel or cloth on the floor and make a boat out of chairs so he can walk on water like Peter. Wear a long white dress and play the Angel who helps your little Peter escape from jail. He can peer into a large box and tell you that Jesus isn’t in the tomb. Arm your little Peter with a stuffed lamb and portray Jesus forgiving Peter and telling him to feed the lambs and sheep. Record these simple stories on video or audio to share with family and friends.
4 Praying
Jesus taught Peter to pray so he would know how to pray for others. Ask your young child to pray over food after reading the story of Peter and the animals on the roof in Acts 12 or the apostles caring for the needs of the believers in Acts 4:32-35. If someone is sick, you can read how Peter prayed for Dorcas in Acts 9: 36-42. Ask her to pray the friend or family member will get well. Include her in praying for others if she wants to pray with you.