Children's Activities for Mark 10:46-52
26 SEP 2017

When you teach your little one about the miracles that Jesus Christ performed, it’s easy to get excited about some of the awesome things He did. Even the youngest kids can grasp the amazing power behind sick people suddenly being healed and feeling better. Bring these lessons alive with activities about Mark 10:46 through 52 – the story of Jesus healing blind Bartimaeus.
1 Talk About It
Snuggle up in a comfy chair with your little one close and the Bible open in your lap. Turn to Mark 10:46 and start reading about the faith of blind Bartimaeus. After you read through verse 52, go back and explain the story to make sure your little one understands. The gist of the story is that Jesus and his disciples were walking and Bartimaeus was sitting on the side of the road. Bartimaeus knew that Jesus could heal, so he asked for healing. Jesus healed him on the spot. Talk this up to your child so she gets excited, saying, “Isn’t that awesome? Bartimaeus believed that Jesus could heal him, he asked to see and he got his wish!”
2 Blind Wandering
Explain blindness to your little one so he understands the deal. Ask him to close his eyes for a few seconds and then ask him what he sees. When he tells you that he can’t see anything, tell him, “Yes. Isn’t that dark and black? That’s what blind people see with their eyes instead of seeing flowers and trees and animals. Would you like to try walking around like a blind person?” Tie a blindfold around your youngster’s eyes and lead him carefully through the house by the hand. As you walk, mention the things you can see – the dog lying on the rug, the mail on the kitchen table or the picture he drew hanging on the refrigerator. Ask your little one if he would want Jesus to heal him if he couldn’t see. Whip off his blindfold after a few minutes and give him a hug.
3 Blind Guessing Games
Assemble some common items on a tray to have your little one guess what they are while blindfolded. Items to include might be a book, a dog toy, a pencil, a set of keys and a plastic cup. Blindfold your child again and have her pick up each item to try to guess what it is. If she can’t guess, give her some clues. Another interesting possibility: Make a sandwich and serve it to your little one while she’s blindfolded. Encourage her to eat it while she can’t see. Have her guess what kind of sandwich she’s eating.
4 Prayers for Healing
Harness the power of healing with your little one. Tell him that Jesus wants to hear his prayers about anything, including healing himself and people he loves. If you know of anyone who is sick or who has injuries, talk about the situation with your little one and ask him how he could help. You might say, “Grandma has arthritis in her fingers – they’re hurting her quite a lot. What could we do to help?” Remind him that prayer works for healing, and say a short prayer together.