Apostle Paul Children's Activities

The Apostle Paul wrote most of the New Testament, which makes him a popular Bible study topic. The information on Paul’s life is plentiful and the New Testament s full of his adventures and epistles, which are letters. To make him easier for children to study, Paul’s life can be divided into several parts.
1 Paul's Conversion
Acts Chapter 7 begins the story of Paul’s conversion from Saul, a persecutor of Christians to Paul, an apostle of Christ. The study of Paul’s conversion is a good subject for children in upper elementary through middle school. To guide a student in the study of Paul’s transformation, instruct him to locate Acts Chapters 7, 9, 13, 22, and 26 in the Bible. Have the children read these chapters and fill in a “tell It your way” worksheet as they read. Use each question to lead a discussion about Paul.
2 Paul is Shipwrecked
Acts 27 and 28 tell how Paul became shipwrecked while being held prisoner on a boat that was battered by a fierce storm. Paul and his party were washed ashore. To make this story more enjoyable for young children, read Acts 27 and 28 using a children’s Bible. Reinforce the message by teaching the children the song “The Shipwreck” to the tune of “We Have an Anchor.”
3 Paul's Journeys
Paul is known for his travels. He believed God was sending him on long journeys to share the gospel and start new churches. Acts Chapter 16 gives details of one of Paul’s difficult journeys. To remind students of Paul’s many missionary journeys, have each child make paper “go tell others” suitcases. Instruct them to fill the paper suitcases with pictures of things that they’d need to take with them on a trip. Use this craft to start a discussion about what Paul might have packed and why.
4 Paul The Prisoner
Paul was imprisoned and brutally beaten for preaching Christianity. He wrote most of his optimistic epistles while in prison. He was joined in prison by other Christians, including his traveling companion, Silas. Acts 19 tells of Paul and Silas singing hymns as they were shackled and reeling from beatings. According to the Scripture, an earthquake damaged the prison and freed them. Soon after, the jailer and his household converted to Christianity. In addition to, or in place of reading Acts 19 with the class, assign roles and have the children perform the skit “Paul and Silas in Prison.”