How to Leave a Short Term Relationship

Maybe your heart was aflutter over your new romantic partner for the first few dates. As time passed, however, the spark subsided and your eye began wandering for other options. While no breakup is pain-free, there are ways to leave a short-term relationship in a healthy and respectful manner.
1 Thinking Ahead
Relationships are in constant transition, so pause and take time to consider whether or not you may be breaking off your romance because of growing pains. If you think your problems could be resolved, it may be best to try and work them out first, according to the TeensHealth article "How to Break Up Respectfully." Leaving a relationship should also be seen as a permanent decision -- your ex may not be willing to date you again in the future. Agreeing to spend some time apart may be a better option if the conflict is temporary. If you do forge ahead with breaking up, practice what you plan to say before you go into the final discussion.
2 Breaking It Off
After meeting in person, it is time to deliver the news. You might begin the conversation by saying "We have different long-term goals, and I no longer believe a relationship between us can work." Since the relationship is short-term, you might also explain that you do not want to be in a relationship right now. In a non-serious situation, you do not owe the person you've been dating a deep explanation for why the relationship is ending, according to Hara Estroff Marano, editor at large of "Psychology Today," in the article "Exit Strategies."
3 Other Considerations
Maybe your dating partner has an annoying habit that has driven you into breaking up, or maybe you are angry. No matter how you feel, the breakup is not the time to throw insults or assign blame, according to Marano. Keep your comments factual and calm. If the one you're breaking up with verbally attacks you, it is okay to leave the conversation. When you do call things off, make sure that you do so in person or, if your relationship is long-distance, by phone. Breaking up by email or text message can be seen as disrespectful, according to the WebMD article "How to Break Up Gracefully," by health writer Denise Mann.
4 Moving Forward
The relationship is over and you are free to move forward with your life, though feelings of sadness, grief and anger are normal. It is best not to let these emotions cloud your judgment after the breakup. Speaking ill of your ex to people you both know may mean that your ex catches wind of it, according to the TeensHealth article "How to Break Up Respectfully." In other cases, you may be on the receiving end of your ex's insulting words. While you may be angry, keep those thoughts to yourself and remind yourself that the insults represent another reason the breakup may be for the best.