What to Do to Cheer Up After You've Broken Up With Your Girlfriend

Whether you broke off the relationship or your girlfriend bid you farewell, the impact can bring a shock wave to your life. Feelings of sadness and anxiety are common and normal after breaking off a relationship. While you cannot expect to feel better immediately, there are several tricks to help you feel better while you mourn.
1 Lifestyle Routines
After suffering a breakup, you may be inclined to stay up late and shirk your daily workout and usual eating habits. These new practices can end up making you feel worse after a breakup. Eating a diet of unprocessed foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables and continuing your usual exercise routine can prove beneficial to your mental health after a breakup, according to the University of California Riverside Counseling Center.
2 Social Concerns
Soliciting your family members and friends for support during this time can be helpful, according to KidsHealth. Resuming old hobbies, exploring new ones or volunteering in your community can also be beneficial for those grieving a relationship, according to the Center for Young Women's Health. Some people may also find it helpful to work on building a friendship with the ex or to begin dating casually again. Getting back into your daily routine as soon as possible can keep your mind occupied and off the end of your relationship.
3 Distractions
While relationships can be rewarding, they can also distract you from other goals and dreams. Using the mourning period for other pursuits can bring happiness. Planning or taking a long-anticipated vacation or tackling an old fear, like going on an airplane if you are afraid of heights, can help you cheer up after a breakup, according to HelpGuide.org. Focusing on a new goal, like running a race or saving up for a new car, can raise your spirits in the wake of a dissolved relationship.
4 Additional Help
Remember that no matter how you feel now, the grief of your breakup will lessen with time. Remembering the good times that you had in the relationship and on the new opportunities that the breakup will bring you, can also be helpful, according to the University of California Riverside Counseling Center. If you find that your grief grows worse, or that you have thoughts about harming or killing yourself, contact your doctor or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline immediately for help (see Resources).