How to Wear Army Badges
4 OCT 2017

U.S. Army soldiers wear badges not only to identify themselves in the chain of command but also to reflect the various accomplishments they’ve achieved and qualifications they’ve earned while serving their country. Insignia badges help to distinguish troops from each other and establish the system of hierarchy that is the foundation of military organization. Active duty and reserve troops wear badges that depict their branch, unit and rank. Specialty badges depict special skills that soldiers hold. Position, order of precedence and type of uniform are important aspects to honorably wear badges.
Review the Army Regulations 670-1 Uniforms and Insignia to determine the appropriate ways to wear badges. Learn how to identify the appropriate number and type of badges acceptable for wear. Learn proper badge placement for male and female troops.
Lay out badges to wear with your uniform of the day. Sort specialty badges according to the AR 670-1 rules and then include all other badges in order of precedence. Specialty badges include marksmanship, combat and special skill, identification and foreign badges.
Wear badges according to the order of precedence starting on the right and going to the left. Specialty badges are placed before other badges. Male troops should wear devices centered 1/8 inch below the top of the shirt pocket with a 1-inch allowance between badges. Female troops should wear devices centered 1/4 inch below their ribbons with a 1-inch separation between additional badges.
Wear the shoulder sleeve branch insignia on the right sleeve of the Army Combat Uniform (ACU) or the Army Green Uniform. This badge indicates combat service.
Wear the Combat Service Identification Badge (CSIB) on the blue Army Service Uniform, Class A, the Army Service Uniform Class B, or on the old blue uniform that is transitioning out. Do not wear this badge on the ACU or on the Army Green Uniform. Position the badge centered on the right breast pocket for male soldiers. Female soldiers wear it on the right side of the blouse parallel to the waistline. The CSIB is a metal heraldic device that uniquely identifies Army combat service formations.