How to Say Thank You in a Announcement

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Announcements are used to tell friends and family formally of joyous events, such as the birth of a child or a marriage. In most announcement situations, thanking individuals is uncommon because it is typically a simple statement of the event. Thanking someone during the announcement is appropriate in some situations, however. Whether the announcement is stated out loud at a social gathering or sent through the mail, gratitude should be expressed when it is appropriate.

1 Choose the reason for the thanks

Choose the reason for the thanks. Knowing the exact reason for thanking an individual or group in the announcement makes it easier to appropriately word the announcement. For example, a friend who helped during a difficult birth might be thanked in the announcement during the child’s delivery.

2 Write the announcement

Write the announcement. An announcement should give full names, the date of the event and what event took place. For example, a wedding announcement should include the husband’s name, the wife’s name, the date of the marriage and the information that a marriage took place.

3 Add the thanks in the announcement

Add the thanks in the announcement either at the bottom or at the beginning. For example, if you're thanking a friend for helping with a newborn baby, announce the baby’s name, date of birth, and weight at the birth, then follow with a short comment such as “Thank you” or “Thanks for all of the help”. Follow the thank you with an appropriate closing statement and the parent’s names.

4 Add other personal touches as preferred

Add other personal touches as preferred. Short commentary can be added to the announcement as preferred by the announcer. For example, in an announcement for the birth of a child, the parents might add "proud parents are pleased to announce" before the child's name and other information. Wedding announcements can include wedding pictures or can use similar designs that the wedding invitations were printed on.

Helen Jain has been writing online articles since December 2009 for various websites. She has studied English and psychology and hopes to get a Ph.D. in English in the future.
