Things to Do to Honor a Close Friend Who Has Died

Whether your friend's death came as a shock or you knew he was suffering from an illness for some time you may find that some act puts a positive focus on your grief, writes psychologist Camille Wortman in, "Getting Through the Holidays: Advice from the Bereaved," on the PBS website. Several activities can keep your friend's memory alive as well as help you through the grieving process.
1 Make a Donation
Donate your time or money to organizations that reflect some of the values of your friend, suggests the Sutter Children's Health Center article, "Nurturing Memories/Healing Grief."
2 Memorial Dinner Gathering
Plan a memorial dinner in honor of your friend. Instead of focusing on her death, invite family members and other close friends to join you in reminiscing about f your friend. Sharing favorite stories is one of the ways people can remember a person who has died, explains Wortman. Include the foods your friend enjoyed eating. Designate each guest to bring a specific dish. Let each person reveal her memory. At the end of the dinner, raise a glass to your friend.
3 The Grave Site
Visit your friend's grave and lay something special at his grave, or just contemplate your friendship. Perhaps you can draw a picture of the both of you together or paint a picture of your friend as an angel. Create a poem or letter to leave at his grave. Write about special memories you shared with him. Visit the grave site on days that were significant in his life, suggests Sutter Health. On his birthday, release a bouquet of balloons.
4 Friendship Memory Tree
Plant trees or flowers, and think of your friend each time you tend them, suggests Kate Evans, in the Your Tango article "8 Tips To Help Console A Grieving Friend." Alternatively, donate to a nature organization such as the Arbor Day Foundation, and have a tree planted in your friend's honor at a national park.