How to Cool a Hot Classroom

A hot classroom creates a stuffy, uncomfortable atmosphere for children to study in. Maintaining a cooler temperature is better for increasing their concentration levels. Without air conditioning, you will need to be proactive in cooling it down. Air circulation will greatly assist you in cooling down the room.
Check to see if the heating in the classroom is switched on. A radiator might have been left on and be heating the room without you knowing. Turn all the heating devices off.
Avoid activities that involve movement during the warmest parts of the day, as this creates heat that will build up in the classroom space. For example, if the sun enters the room during the morning, then do art projects or play games in the afternoon after the sun has moved.
Keep the classroom doors open if you are not using air conditioning. Reduce the heat building up in the classroom by letting it out through the door to increase ventilation into the space.
Position four electric upright fans around the perimeter of the classroom. Set the movement of the fan's head to oscillating so it rotates from left to right, to cool a larger area of the classroom. If you cannot obtain four fans, try to get at least one. Put it facing the central area of the classroom.
Identify computers, televisions or other electronics in the classroom that are switched on, as these will also produce heat. Check that they are switched off when they are not being used. Even in standby mode, heat is produced, so shut them off completely to prevent this.
Install an air-conditioning unit or ceiling fan to cool the classroom if possible. Approach the principal to explain the situation and see if she can help achieve this. Since this is a long-term solution that requires planning, you will still need to use the other cooling methods to lower the classroom's temperature in the meantime.
Attach blinds onto the windows to provide shade to the classroom. Alternatively, hang up fabric to cover the windows and prevent direct sunlight penetrating the classroom.
Create areas of shade in the classroom. Do this by putting large potted plants around the classroom. This will cool these specific areas for added comfort.