How to Change a Platonic Friendship Into a Romantic One

Whether the two of you were childhood friends or are just buds from biology class, turning your relationship from platonic to romantic takes caring, consideration and tact. Before jumping from being pals to something more, weigh the risks to your relationship and decide if taking things to the next level is realistic.
1 Slow and Steady Wins the Race
When you finally realize that the two of you have feelings that go beyond just friendship, it's tempting to speed things up and fast track your new relationship. Instead of making the move at lightning speed, slow things down and take the time that you really need to get to know each other in a different way. Go out on a few casual dates or just hang together. Doing so gives you both the chance to get to know each other on a new or deeper level.
2 Other People's Opinions
Chances are that your friends, his friends and your mutual friends will all have opinions on your move from platonic to romantic. While your buds can provide some outside insight into the situation or can give you advice based on their own past experiences, don't forget that this is your relationship -- not theirs. Take what they have to say into consideration, but make your own decisions. No matter how well they know the two of you, they don't have all the information. They aren't there when you and your "friend" have intimate talks, and they can't feel your emotions for you. If possible, try to keep your budding romance mum until you're sure of what's going on. Wait to make any announcements or call it official in front of your friends until the two of you have explored what your relationship has to offer.
3 Understand Your Attraction
Just because you have a rush of feelings for your friend doesn't necessarily mean that you are ready to get into a romantic relationship. Friends are often drawn to one another or feel some sort of attraction, that in reality has little to do with true romantic love, according to Heidi Reeder, associate professor of communication at Boise State University in her article "Can You 'Love' Your Friend?" on the "Psychology Today" website. There's a reason why you became friends with this person. On some level, you are attracted to her. You might feel a physical pull or you may just enjoy her company. That said, you need to explore your attraction before you decide that you want to make a move from platonic to romantic. This can help you decide what direction to take and how to proceed in your relationship.
4 Honesty Policy
Moving from one type of relationship to another requires complete honesty. Kick off your new romance by pledging to tell the truth to each other. If you've been friends for a long time, you probably already trust each other and know when the other person is being honest. On the other hands, if you're new friends, you may need more time to prove that you're trustworthy. Talk openly about what each one of you wants in a relationship. For example, you want something that's completely exclusive, but he still wants to casually date others. You need to get this type of situation straight before you take your friendship to a romantic place.