The Advantages of Telecommunication in a Business

Telecommunication is the exchange of information over significant distances through the use of electronic channels. This type of communication has taken the form of cell phones and wireless telephones, Internet networks, fax machines and computers. Telecommunication is ever-changing a new forms of technology emerge. The term "communication technology" may be used the same way as "telecommunication," as it is a system that allows people to communicate across distances. Communication is a crucial aspect of any business, and the availability of telecommunication assists a business in operating efficiently.
1 Cost Savings
Telecommunication technologies help reduce the cost of doing business. Paperless offices in which email messages are the primary mode of communication cut the cost of purchasing paper, printing, disposing and recycling. Sending letters to so many is more expensive than sending one email with the same information to several customers. Email and VoIP technologies also can play a key role in ensuring that telephone calls are made less often, thus lowering the cost of business communication.
2 Time Saving
Telecommunication tools in the form of computers, cell phones and fax machines are more efficient at delivering messages. Compared to older modes of communication such as handwritten letters, information is exchanged more effectively within a shorter period of time. For example, with a telephone call, a customer is able to put across his complaints and the business is able to attend to these complaints instantly, thereby fulfilling the customer's needs. In contrast, a written complaint would take a longer time to both reach the company and for the complaint to be addressed.
3 International Clientele
Tools such as the Internet make e-commerce possible worldwide. This means businesses have the opportunity to reach out to more customers in a shorter time. Telecommunication can increase a company’s profits while breaking down the geographical boundaries between companies and consumers. For example, eBay is a company that has been able to reach global customers through Internet communication.
4 Improved Communication Logistics
Businesses spend a substantial amount of money and time in training, traveling and communicating with customers. Through telecommunication methods such as teleconferencing, logistical costs and limitations are reduced. Teleconferencing involves the use of Internet connection and a phone line to communicate with people who are far away. This can be combined with video so participants can see each other. Teleconferencing enables businesses to make decisions more quickly, especially if these businesses have overseas partnerships, because customers and business partners involved have instant face-to-face communication to exchange information without having to travel far or wait too long for correspondence from the other side. Faster decision-making means a business can progress and implement its operations on time.
5 Marketing and Advertising
Marketing and advertising campaigns are important for most businesses. Telecommunication methods of advertising and marketing include telephone marketing calls, social network marketing and online advertising. These types of campaigns expose a business’ services and products to a wider audience. This may assist the business in generating more sales and expanding its customer base.