Police Topics for Research Papers

The field of law enforcement provides a number of interesting topics worthy of exploration. If you plan to write a research paper that relates to this subject, selecting a topic that is current and engaging to you can prove a wise choice. Before you make your final topic decisions, consider some of the exciting options at your disposal and select the one about which you can find the most interesting information and that personally appeals to you most.
1 Universal Precautions and the Police Force
Police work presents many dangers, one of which is the danger of contracting a disease through contact with human bodily fluids. Focus your research paper on the topic of universal precautions that officers can use to prevent disease contraction. Research the current universal precaution practices associated with police work as well as alternative options that could prove even more effective in keeping officers safe. Reference statistics in your resulting paper, using these numbers to prove the danger of disease contraction and the effectiveness of universal precautions or other prevention methods.
2 The Use of Tasers
Tasers are a relatively new tool in the police arsenal, and one that is often met with controversy. Gather information on tasers, their effectiveness and the dangers associated with taser use for your research paper. In your report, outline the benefits and weaknesses of using tasers, and discuss the precautions that police officers must take to use these tasers in a safe and effective fashion.
3 Communication Tools in Police Work
Communication is key to successful police work. Explore the tools of communication that police have at their disposal for your research paper. In your paper, discuss how each of these tools is used currently. Also, explore the potential changes to communication tools on the horizon, and explain how these changes could have an impact on the ease with which police can communicate necessary information.
4 The Effectiveness of Non-Motorized Officers
While many police officers cruise the town in squad cars, some have no motorized transportation at their disposal. Research these non-motorized officers, including foot patrolmen, bicycle-riding officers and even mounted police. Discuss situations in which these officers could be preferable to those who depend upon motorized transportation. Also, explore ways in which the effectiveness of these officers could be enhanced.
5 Professional Development in Law Enforcement
The field of law enforcement is an ever-changing one. For your research paper, explore the ways in which police officers are kept up to date on changes in the law enforcement field. Explore whether or not professional development is requisite for officers in your area, as well as how professional development is implemented. Also, discuss how this process could be improved upon to ensure that officers have the information they need to do their duties to the utmost effectiveness.