How to Write a 10th Grade Book Report

Book reports are a dreaded part of most 10th graders' English classes. Whether you can choose your own book or you have to write on a teacher chosen topic, a 10th grade book report doesn't have to be a nightmare. By following these simple steps, you'll be on your way to a book report that will impress your teacher and a paper that prepares you for your future in the world of academic writing.
Read the prompt. Your teacher might ask you to do a report, review, a combination of both, or answer specific questions. One of the fastest ways to an "A" is to make sure you answer all parts of the teacher's question.
Choose a book that you enjoy. A book that you enjoy will be easier to write about, and you will likely put in the extra effort that leads to a good grade. If you can't choose the book itself, try to find something in the book that you can relate to your experience and interest.
Practice good pre-reading. Before you read, Purdue's Online Writing Lab (OWL) suggests that you collect information about the book's author, title, publisher, etc. In addition, the OWL recommends that you study the book jacket, author, genre, and title to get a sense of the book and what might be included.
Take notes. The OWL suggests keeping track of characters, main points, and quotes. Also, make a record of any strong response you have to the book, including critiques of the author's writing or plot and your opinion of the author's purpose in writing the book.
Craft an introduction. According to the OWL, you should begin your report by mentioning the author and the title, while using the rest of the introduction to "hook" the reader and give an overview of the paper. End the first paragraph with a thesis statement that lists a topic--the book you read--and a claim--your argument about the book.
Write a body. In the body of your paper, completely summarize the book, making sure you include important events, characters and quotes. According to the OWL, when you're done with your summary you can then include personal opinion regarding the book and the author's plot.
Conclude. Wrap up your argument, and while it should not include new information, it can call the reader to action by making a recommendation regarding the book.
Proofread. Read words backwards to check for spelling mistakes. Read each section backwards to edit for punctuation and sentence structure.
- Understand the difference between a book report and a book review.