How to Write a Book Report in APA Format

APA refers to the American Psychological Association, and the format is used typically to cite scholarly papers in the social sciences. Like most formal paper written for a class, APA format requires that the paper be written on standard sized paper in 10-12 point font, Times New Roman preferred with once-inch margins on all sides.
- Paper
- Novel
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- Printer
- Dictionary
1 APA Format
2 Create a page header
Create a page header. To make a page header, the page numbers should appear at the very top right of the page and the name of the paper or the title of your paper should start on the first line to the very left of the page. In most scholarly papers, the APA format would require you to create four major sections for your report: the Title Page, The Abstract, The Main Body and the References. The APA for mat for a book report would follow the same physical appearance of a scholarly paper but the sections of the report would differ.
3 Create a title page for your book report
The Fiction Book Report Create a title page for your book report. Write the name of the book, underlined, on the left hand side of the page and on the following line on the left give the name of the author of the book. The next page will again begin with the page header, and then list the publication information about the book, such as the name of the publisher, the year the book was published and the number of pages in the book, all on separate lines on the left hand side of the page. The next page will give the genre of the book followed by a brief introduction about the book, usually one to two pages long.
4 Tell the book
Body of a Fiction Book Report Tell what the book is about. Give information about the setting, who is telling the story, who is the protagonist or antagonist and the other major characters in the book. It is also important to say what tone the author conveyed in the story. You should give a plot summary, the climax and the plot resolution and or any literary devices used in the novel. List your impressions about the book. Write a strong conclusions.
5 Create a Title page
The Non-Fiction Book Report Create a Title page for the non-fiction book report and follow the above instructions. Give a general overview of the topic, the main points and the main argument of the author. State the thesis. Give the important conclusions of the book. Analyze and evaluate the book by answering these questions. Did the author prove her thesis? Why or why not? What effect did the author’s writing have on the reader? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the book? Finish by giving your overall response to the book. Write a convincing conclusion to your report that highlights the introduction and body of your report.