What Are the Most Haunted Places in Biloxi, Mississippi?
29 SEP 2017

Biloxi, Mississippi is located on the Gulf Coast region of the state. The city has a rich history that includes many ghost stories and hauntings. Several sites in the Biloxi area are reported to have paranormal activity. Many of the locals believe the sites to be haunted. In addition, there are many haunted occurrences reported in the region surrounding the city. Visitors should beware that although some of the haunted occurrences happen in public areas, many take place on private property and trespassing is strictly prohibited.
1 Keesler Air Force Base
Keesler Air Force Base, in Biloxi, Mississippi, has had several haunted occurrences reported by military staff. The first is in the dormitory of the 334th training squadron where a man hanged himself with bedsheets. Soldiers report that there are cold spots located outside the room. Lights are also said to flicker without a cause. The haunting grows more intense inside the room where the hanging occurred. The barracks are now torn down. The 338th training squadron dormitory, which is for female soldiers, also has reports of strange happenings. The ghost of a boy who went through the training program is said to haunt the dorm. Soldiers report that windows open on their own and items inside locked cabinets get moved. The dorm was investigated by a sensitive who said the boy, named Jeremy, died in Vietnam. Another ghost that haunts the dorm is said to give off a malevolent presence. Nobody knows who he is or how he died, but the soldiers report that they feel uncomfortable around him.
2 The Marine Resource Center
Employees at the Marine Resource Center, on Bayview Avenue, Biloxi, Mississippi, report a woman who wanders about the third floor of the building, and other parts of the building occasionally. Two female workers, who were in the building late one night, were hysterical with fear as they left their post. No females are assigned to work at night any longer. Nobody knows who the woman is that haunts the structure.
3 Rock n Roll Graveyard
Rock 'n' Roll Graveyard is a small cemetery in the woods in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, just eight minutes from Biloxi. The graveyard is a small round patch that is in a wooded are outside of town. Visitors to the area report seeing a woman dressed in white rocking in a chair. The area can only be reached by going through a gate, which is said to close when anyone tries to leave the graveyard, and after it shuts the ghost gets close to anyone who is present. The gate is now closed to visitors during the nighttime hours.
4 Garden of Hope Cemetery
Garden of Hope Cemetery, located in Gautier, Mississippi, just 17 miles from Biloxi, is reportedly haunted by the children who were murdered at the hands of their father at a local hotel. People passing the cemetery report seeing the children playing around the gravestones. Another ghost that is reported by people who drive past the graveyard is that of "Bloody Sarah" who wears a blood-soaked housecoat and runs out in front of cars during the day. Another ghost that is said to haunt the cemetery is that of a grave digger who got killed along the roadway. Passersby report that he is hitchhiking along the road and when they stop he informs them that he died there and then he disappears.