Title I Teacher - Duties & Responsibilities

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Title I teachers are paid with funding from the federal government to help students with a weakness in reading. They are in charge of the caseload of all students chosen for the Title I program. Title I teachers have very specific duties and responsibilities to track and monitor students who haven't mastered reading and math skills.

1 Testing and Selection

Title I teachers have to review and analyze test data from previous years. This is used to graph or chart data of students who have not mastered skills and to make a school profile that will be used in the school strategic plan. Title I teachers make a list of students by grade level who haven't mastered reading, language and math skills. They work with kindergarten teachers to review tests taken by preschool children who are going into kindergarten. They also work on intervention teams to set up interventions for each student who qualifies for Title I assistance.

2 Instruction and Intervention

Title I teachers develop lesson plans and work with at-risk students to help them master reading, language and math skills. This includes pre-teaching or reteaching of math concepts and vocabulary words. In some districts, teachers pull students out of the regular classroom and teach them in small groups. In others, Title I teachers team teach with the regular classroom teacher, helping out students who are struggling. In the middle of the school year another test is given and a new list of students who didn't master skills is given to the intervention team. A third test is given in the spring and progress is monitored in students who haven't mastered skills.

3 Meetings and Communication

In addition to intervention meetings, Title I teachers meet with the parents of Title I students and give them parent-training tools that help them work with their children at home. Title I teachers communicate with classroom teachers about the instruction and needs of the students and keep written documentation of communication. They have to show auditors why each student in the program qualifies for help based on test scores, observation, attendance, grades and free or reduced lunch status. They have to organize paperwork for the auditor's summer visit.

Cathryn Whitehead graduated from the University of Michigan in 1987. She has published numerous articles for various websites. Her poems have been published in several anthologies and on Poetry.com. Whitehead has done extensive research on health conditions and has a background in education, household management, music and child development.
