How to Avoid Falling Asleep While Studying

Studying for exams can be very stressful. What can make it worse is if you have to study boring and repetitive subject matter. This can cause to fall asleep easily and eventually you won’t be able to recall the subject matter when you wake up. Falling asleep while studying is a common problem faced by innumerable students. Fortunately, it is possible to stay awake while studying by applying a few methods.
Take a 15-minute break for every hour of study time. This will help your brain rest. Watch television, surf the Internet or play video games during your break. Set the alarm on your alarm clock or mobile phone to help you remember when to take your break.
Avoid being too comfortable when studying. Avoid leaning against pillows on your bed or curling up against a couch. This will guarantee you won’t make it through your study time. Instead, sit at your desk with your back straight. Make sure you have strong lighting as well.
Exercise before studying. Walk around your room for a few minutes before reading. You can also perform exercises while sitting at your desk such as leg, neck and arm stretches (see Resources) to help keep you alert. You can also take a shower after exercising to help you stay awake.
Eat a healthy snack while you are studying. Eat an apple or granola bar to help stabilize your blood sugar so you can stay alert. Avoid eating sugary junk foods since these can boost your energy but make you very sleepy after a while.