Men's Bible Study Topics
10 OCT 2017

David prayed in Psalm 86:11, “Teach me your way, O Lord, that I might live in your truth; give me an undivided heart that I might live to fear your name.” Men face many battles in their lives, but, unlike David, fail to be honest with themselves. Guys generally are so driven to be self-sufficient that they avoid examining the conflicts boiling inside and deal with issues alone. A men’s Bible study group is an opportunity to establish relationships with other men who also are working on being more open and seeking accountability.
1 Self-Image
“A man is what a man does” is typically how guys see themselves. But God gives everyone an identity that is not necessarily determined by an occupation. The Apostle Paul refers to himself in Romans 1:1 as a “servant” and “apostle.” He understood what God’s identity for him was and his purpose. Consider that Paul previously was climbing the career ladder as a feared religious leader who zealously arrested, imprisoned and killed Christians. But he writes in Romans that he is eager to visit the believers in Rome to encourage them in their faith. A study of Romans Chapter 1 can examine how men can be open to a new mission in their life and, like Paul, see how they can be empowered to a new life of faith in Christ.
2 Hardship
Tough times build character. No one enjoys going through trials, but hardship is God’s way of making a man out of you. James Chapter 1 offers a perspective on how to view trials and their purpose. If men merely endure hardship, they probably leaned too much on their own efforts to survive. But the guys who experience joy during a trial probably relied on God’s provision to see them through those tough times. Among the goals for a study about hardship is learning how to stand strong during trials and commit to praying rather than complaining.
3 Temptation
The decision you make in the face of temptation determines whether you have done wrong or obeyed God. Hebrews 2:15 mentions that Jesus was tempted in every way yet was without sin. Temptation chases everyone. But temptation can actually be an opportunity to obey God and develop integrity. Part of “The Every Man Series” published by Waterbrook Press is a Bible study titled “Being God’s Man … in the Face of Temptation.” The booklet includes sessions that examine such matters of integrity as spiritual, sexual, biblical and relational.
4 Sexual Purity
Men may not be able to turn off their libido. But guys can equip themselves with strategies to train their eyes, mind and heart for staying sexually pure. Job states in Job 30:1 “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl.” 2Corinthians 10:5 talks about taking every thought captive and making it obedient to God. “Every Man’s Battle” by Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker and Mike Yorkey delves further into these scriptures and other verses to develop real-world strategies for having victory over sexual temptation.