My Mac Won't Recognize My Video Camera

When you connect your camcorder or digital camera to your Mac so you can view, edit or archive movie files, you expect the device to show up on your desktop and interface seamlessly with Apple's iMovie software or another relevant application. If the system fails to see the camera, look for problems that may plague more than one aspect of your attempt to access your files, including everything from connections to data files.
1 Getting Connected
If your camcorder fails to trigger a response from your Mac, cast a suspicious eye toward the cable you're using to make connections. To verify that your device shows up as recognized, open Apple System Profiler from the About This Mac screen in the Apple menu and check the section for the connection protocol you're using. Substitute another USB or FireWire cable and see if reconnecting the camera solves your problem. You also may need to shut down video editing applications such as iMovie before you plug in the camera, or the software may not notice newly available hardware. On a camcorder with dual connection capabilities -- USB and FireWire -- try the opposite of the port and connection protocol you've been attempting to use.
2 Memory Card
Even with a properly functional connection and setup, a faulty or corrupt memory card can interfere with your Mac's attempts to read data from your camera. The Mac treats the card like an external hard drive, so any problems accessing the video files you've stored on it can lead to hardware-recognition and data-transfer problems. Try the device with another memory card, or plug the card in to a media reader and see if its information shows up on your desktop. If your Mac sees the camera when you remove or substitute its memory card, your symptoms point to the card, not the camera.
3 Camera Problems
Just as a bad connection or defective memory card can halt your attempts to access your camera on your Mac, so can problems with the camera itself. A low battery charge, defective data port or other internal problem can frustrate your attempts to edit or transfer files. Check for a full battery and give the camera time to recharge if your power runs low, or plug the device in to an electrical outlet to power it as well as to top off your battery. If the battery can no longer hold a charge, replace it.
4 Other Considerations
Camera-connection problems can stem from a host of minor problems, some of them intermittent. Shutting down and restarting your Mac may resolve your troubles. Disconnecting and reconnecting the camera may make it suddenly become available. Applying updates to your operating system or the video-aware applications you use with your camera may address an underlying cause of your symptoms. If none of your troubleshooting attempts correct the connection problem, check for warranty coverage on the camera and contact the manufacturer for assistance.