How to Keep a Relationship Casual and Fun

If your view of a relationship is more casual than committed, you aren't alone. Teens and young adults often focus on having fun or socializing with the object of their affection, notes the TeensHealth article "Love and Romance." Keeping your relationship casual and fun takes a blend of mellow maturity, creativity and a relaxed outlook on dating.
1 Commit Less
Making a commitment means that you promise to stay together or pledge yourself to one another. While having a long-term relationship may require a commitment, casual dating doesn't. Keeping things casual often makes it unnecessary to commit. This doesn't mean that you don't have strong feelings for the other person or even that you want to see other people. Instead, making a point of not committing takes the pressure off you both and allows the relationship to stay relaxed.
2 Social Circle
Keep your relationship on the casual side by adding people from your social circle to the mix. Instead of one-on-one dates, make your evenings out extra fun by going on group outings. For example, go bowling with your date and her buddies or spend the evening with friends at an amusement park.
3 Casual Conversation
What you say is as important as what you do when it comes to keeping your relationship casual. Discussing somber or serious topics is anti-fun and won't do much to maintain a light tone. Instead of digging deep and talking about your feelings or where you see your relationship five years from now, stick to more entertaining topics. It might seem superficial to talk about things like the latest action flick, but this type of casual conversation keeps your relationship light.
4 Choice of Date
Your activity choices for dates can make the difference between a tense time and casual fun. Some activities can increase the excitement factor. Outdoor physical activities, such as hiking through the woods, are options for nature-loving athletic types. If neither of you enjoys getting active, try a restaurant that turns eating into entertainment or a type of cuisine that is new to both of you.