The Importance of College After High School Graduation

A college education is valuable -- financially and for other reasons.
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For some, the idea of continuing their education after high school is a scary thought. More strenuous coursework, adjusting and fitting in with a peer group and finding a way to pay for an expensive college education can be intimidating. However, in an economy where many are looking for jobs, the importance of a college education cannot be measured. The benefits of college far outweigh the stresses.

1 Higher Education

Probably the most obvious benefit of going to college after high school is that it provides you with the opportunity to educate yourself further and at a higher level in the field of your choice. With access to libraries, documents and professors at your fingertips, the possibilities are endless. If you liked a subject in high school but could take only a class or two in it, college gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself and become a professional in your chosen field.

2 Better Opportunities

As technology advances, higher-paying jobs that were once available to high school graduates now require some form of higher education. Earning a college degree opens up many more avenues than having just a high school diploma does. Whereas factories and manufacturing were once at the center of our job market, the trend is shifting to jobs in other sectors that require more specific skill sets. With so many people competing for jobs in today's job market, employers are likely to look at candidates with more training and education.

3 Higher Wages

On average, college graduates make significantly more money annually than high school graduates. According the U.S. Census Bureau, college graduates make nearly twice as much money as high school gradates. Because a college degree tells employers that you have the self-discipline, work ethic and intelligence to get the job done, not only are you more likely to land the job, but you'll probably make significantly more money than your peers who don't have a college education.

4 Personal Growth

Going to college after high school teaches you invaluable lessons outside of the classroom as well. Exposure to new peer groups, cultures and social situations provides you with the opportunity to expand your social circle and experience new things. All of these experiences allow you to grow and evolve as a person as you move from young adulthood into adulthood.

5 Access to Great Teachers

Generally, colleges provide access to topnotch professors and experts who are constantly teaching classes, giving lectures and offering help to students in their chosen field. This type of interaction extends well beyond classroom learning and gives you an opportunity that most high school grads don't have available.
