How to Make Worship Flags
29 SEP 2017

The making of worship flags can be as rich with meaning as their actual use in worship. With an almost limitless variety of possible shapes, symbols, and sizes, flag making can be a very personal process. Knowing how to make worship flags can open a whole new world to your worship.
1 Pick a light fabric
Pick a light fabric, crystal organza or silky polyester and cut a rectangle according to the desired size of your flag. Make sure that the material has the same appearance on both sides.
2 Obtain a wooden pole
Obtain a wooden pole that is about a half inch thick and at least twice as long as the height of your flag. Sand the surfaces of your pole to make sure they do not cause damage to your flag as it rubs on the pole.
3 Straighten the edges
Straighten the edges of your fabric cutout and sew a narrow hem along both the top and bottom of the flag as well as along one side. Press the new hems with an iron.
4 Did not hem
Along the edge that you did not hem, sew on a strip of cotton tape that is as wide as the circumference of your pole (so that this section can be wrapped around the pole).
5 Fold this same side of the flag
Fold this same side of the flag over, leaving just enough of a channel for the pole to be inserted. The newly attached cotton tape should be on the inside of the fold. Make sure that the fold is perfectly straight, perpendicular to the top and bottom of your flag, and parallel to other side of your flag. Pin this fold in place.
6 Sew this fold
Sew this fold in place and continue to sew across the top of the pole channel so that the pole cannot come out through the other end of the flag.
7 Wish to leave your worship flags
Unless you wish to leave your worship flags unmarked, add any type of design or text you wish using either paint, felt tip pen or marker. Your flags are ready for use in various worship or dance activities.