How to Determine if a House is Bugged
25 OCT 2017

How to Determine if a House is Bugged. When we are in our homes, we feel safe and secure. How would you respond if you found out someone was watching every move you made in your house and listening to your private conversations? Here are some suggestions on how to verify that your private space is still private.
Be calm and maintain your routine. Do not act upset. Continue to act like you are unaware of the possible invasion of privacy.
Determine if you or someone in your family is a potential target. Answer questions such as the following. Does anyone in your family work with confidential information? Is the information such that it would be worth spying on you or them for access to it? Is it possible that your spouse thinks you are unfaithful?
Pay attention to your phone during your telephone conversations. Note any volume changes, static, popping or other strange sounds during your conversations. Amateur eavesdropping equipment often creates these types of disturbances.
Listen to your phone while not on a call. Pay attention to sounds coming from your phone even when not on a call. If you hear such sounds, these are indicators that your phone may be bugged. Certain bugs use amplifiers while others listen in to what is being said in range of the phone.
Check your locks. If they suddenly feel off or stick, it is possible they were recently manipulated.
Look at the items in your home or office. New items with bugs are often placed without the victims being aware of it. Common "new items" are radios, clocks, sprinkler heads, picture frames, lamps and exit signs. Also keep in mind that "gifts" can often contain eavesdropping devices. Common bugged gifts are power adapters, pagers, pens, dispensers, calculators, briefcase and CD players.
Notice any radio or television interference in your car, home or office that was not previously there. Bugging devices emit signals that interfere with radio and television signals.
Look for slightly misplaced items. Often professionals enter the home or office while the victim is not there to plant the bugs. Take special note of this if you were a burglary victim but everything was in place. This includes smoke detectors, electrical outlets, vents, furniture and electrical plates.
Scan the ceiling and floors of your home or office. Small discolorations in the ceiling or bumps in the floor are often the location of small video cameras. Debris near walls or randomly on the floor, chipped tiles or sagging ceiling tiles are signs that they have been recently moved and may contain hidden cameras.
Review your calendar. Look at how many unscheduled repairmen visits have been happening in the past month or few months. When these people are let in to fix an imaginary problem, they are installing the eavesdropping devices.
Pay attention to repair workers and vehicles. If you see repair vehicles or workers more than three times, you are under surveillance.
Buy a small bug detector. There are small bug detectors that fit in your pocket and will vibrate to alert you of bugging devices. There are also ones that attach to key chains. Use them to check your house, car and office.
Hire a professional. Contact a professional to do a complete bug sweep of your home, office and car. What you may miss, they will not.