How to Dye a Goatee

A man's facial hair is part of his identity. A goatee, for example, sets the tone for your personal style. When your facial hair begins to show signs of gray, however, the idea of shaving it off may cross your mind. Such drastic measures aren't necessary. Gray hair is as natural as black hair, but if the salt-and-pepper -- or mostly salt -- look doesn't suit you, reverse the heavy hand of time with a ready-to-use facial hair dye kit.
Purchase a facial hair dye kit, which is specifically designed for male facial hair and sold at supermarkets and drugstores. Choose a dye that closely matches your ideal facial hair color to ensure that the look is natural and suits your skin tone.
Review all warnings and cautions in the product instructions, and take all precautions suggested by the manufacturer.
Line your workspace with old towels to protect your countertops from accidental stains. Slip on a pair of plastic gloves and an old shirt.
Mix the dye according to the manufacturer's instructions. Use the blunt end of the brush or comb -- not the applicator side -- to mix the dye.
Brush the dye through your dry, unwashed goatee rapidly with even up-and-down strokes until the goatee is completely covered. Apply the dye in front of a well-lit mirror to ensure that you don't miss any section of hair. Do not press or massage the dye into the skin beneath your goatee. Use light pressure and add more dye to the brush if necessary.
Set a timer or stopwatch to the exact time suggested by the manufacturer; leaving the dye on for too long may cause skin reactions or an unpleasantly dark final color. Rinse the brush in warm water and store it with the other dye materials out of reach of children.
Turn the shower on and adjust the temperature to warm while you're waiting for the timer to go off. Wash the dye out of your goatee with shampoo and warm water as soon as the timer rings. Use a shampoo made for cleaning color-treated hair to keep the dye from fading.
Pat the goatee with an old towel first to check for residual dye. Shampoo it again if necessary. Dry your freshly dyed goatee with a clean towel.
- Chemical dyes may cause an allergic reaction; conduct a skin test if one is included with the dye kit.
- Contact a physician in case of adverse allergic reaction.