What Courses Are Needed to Become an Art Teacher

Art teachers are expected to understand educational theory, art production and art history. A well-rounded college program requires completion of courses within these three disciplines as well as general studies and time spent in a functioning classroom. Many states grant teaching credentials only after completion of a "Fifth Year" program or a Master's degree in Education. Check with your state to determine their requirements.
1 Educational Theory
Students will take courses in educational psychology, multicultural education, educational technology and educational foundations. Students will learn how to manage a classroom, write lesson plans, structure assessments, incorporate technology and diversify instruction.
2 Art Education
Students will take courses in discipline-based art education. They will learn how to structure an art class around the four disciplines of art aesthetics, art production, art history and art critique.
3 Studio Art
Future art teachers will take beginning drawing and three-dimensional art classes. Most colleges also require a focus in either ceramics, sculpture, painting, photography, metals, drawing or graphic art.
4 Art History
Art education majors must take general art history classes that span from the earliest cave paintings to post-modern art. Students are usually also required to take an additional art history class that focuses more intensely on one art movement.
5 Student Teaching
Art education programs require students to teach in a functioning classroom. Future art teachers will be placed in a classroom and they will teach their original lesson plans to students. They will also be responsible for classroom management and assessment.
6 General Studies
All college degrees also require completion of general studies that include math, English, psychology, science, history and humanities.