How to Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Nose Piercing

Body piercings are a popular form of creative expression for teenagers. But if dirty needles are used, serious medical conditions such as hepatitis B and C are possible, according to the Kids Health website. Unsafe body piercing practices are more common in environments where teenagers under 18 are allowed to get body piercings without legally required parental consent. If you want to get a nose piercing, it is important to seek parental consent.
1 Making Your Case
Some teenagers want a body piercing either because friends have them or as a way to assert independence. Ask yourself why you want to get the piercing, suggests the Women's and Children Health Network website. If you are clear about why you want to get your nose pierced, you will be better able to help your parents understand the importance of it to you, and they will be more likely to give consent.
2 Committing to Health
You can decrease your risk of medical complications if you follow the recommendations for cleaning your nose to prevent infection. Share and discuss with your parents information about ways to decrease health risks covered in the article on body piercing from the Center for Young Women’s Health website [see Resources]. Create a document summarizing the medical risks and a pledge to follow the recommendations for care. Sign the document and give it to your parents as evidence of your commitment to following the aftercare instructions.
3 Working Together
Licensing regulations for body piercing artists differ from state to state. Call the local department of health in your area to see if body piercing is regulated. If so, ask if the local health department provides health information or reports about individual shops. Suggest to your parents that you work as a team to find a safe and sanitary body piercing facility. Use the information about what to look for in a piercing salon provided in the "Body Piercing" article found on the Center for Young Women's Health website.
4 Waiting It Out
Agree to wait a month for your parents' decision. A month may seem like a long time, but it will reassure your parents that your desire for the piercing isn't an impulsive decision. It is possible that your parents will decide not to give you permission to get the nose piercing. Remember that you can do it once you are of legal age. Besides, there are an infinite number of other ways to express yourself.