How to Build a Model Town for an Elementary School Project

Create a model town using recycled boxes and containers. Learn about construction and the art of architecture through building a model town. This activity can be accomplished in the classroom with basic materials or in the home with some help from adults.
Look at images of interesting and unique architectural buildings for motivation while working on the model town activity. Examples from architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright provide images of houses and buildings that are different from typical structures.
Think about the buildings that are needed to create a complete town. What types of buildings does the local town have? Make a list of buildings such as a library, firehouse, school and houses.
Use a paper and pencil to draw a picture of the town and the buildings that should be included in it. Write a paragraph about the town on the back of the paper when finished with the drawing. Display the drawing of the town for others to see.
Position a large piece of cardboard on a worktable and lay out the town. Ask an adult to help, if necessary. Use a black marker to designate where certain buildings will be positioned.
Create the buildings using recycled boxes and containers, along with construction paper, tempera paint, markers, scissors and glue. Make the buildings for the model town in a unique way like an architect would.
When buildings are finished, position them on the large piece of cardboard and secure using glue. Ask an adult to help, if necessary.
Paint the other areas of the cardboard to represent streets and parks or grassy areas.
Decide on a name for the town and display the finished model town in an area for others to see.