Army National Guard Pay Scale
4 OCT 2017

Army National Guard units usually report to the governors of the states in which they're located whenever they're not federalized under Department of the Army control. Pay-wise, the Army National Guard also closely mirrors the active Army, with soldiers paid according to rank and time in service. Because of the part-time nature of Army National Guard service, though, its pay scale differs somewhat from the active Army's own scale.
1 Army National Guard Pay
Army National Guard soldiers and officers earn the same pay as their active-duty counterparts. An Army National Guard sergeant in pay grade E5, for example, is paid the same as an active-duty sergeant. Army National Guard pay is based on the number of monthly drill periods, though, with a drill period counting four hours or one day of pay. Most Army National Guard members serve four drill periods in one two-day drill weekend plus one two-week period of active duty.
2 Enlisted Pay
Pay in the Army National Guard depends on rank and time in service. Army National Guard enlisted soldiers range in rank from private, pay grade E1, to sergeant major, pay grade E9. As of 2014, an Army National Guard private with less than two years service earns $204 monthly in drill pay. A sergeant in the Army National Guard with six years service earns $365 monthly. A 20-year sergeant major in the Army National Guard earns $756 monthly.
3 Guard Warrant Officers
Army and Army National Guard warrant officers occupy a special leadership position between enlisted soldiers and commissioned officers. Warrant officer ranks in the Army and Army National Guard range from Warrant Officer 1, pay grade WO1, to Chief Warrant Officer 5, pay grade CW5. As of 2014, an Army National Guard Warrant Officer 1 with less than two year's service earns $381 monthly. A 20-year Chief Warrant Officer 5 in the Army National Guard earns $954 monthly.
4 Commissioned Officers
Army and Army National Guard commissioned officer ranks run from second lieutenant, pay grade O1, to brigadier general, pay grade O7. For 2014, Army National Guard second lieutenants with less than two years of service earn drill pay of $389 per month . A 20-year Army National Guard brigadier generals earn $1,614. Army National Guard officers from second lieutenant to captain, pay grade O3, with at least four years of prior active enlisted service earn slightly more.