How to Write Names With a Degree Title

Include degree abbreviations after your name in professional communications.

After graduating from an undergraduate or graduate degree program, a common custom is to style your name with your academic degree credentials. The abbreviations are known as "post nominals." Although you will not need to include the abbreviation of your degree on every writing, they should be included in professional communications. For example, use your academic degree abbreviation on resumes you plan to send to prospective employers. You gain instant credibility when prospective employers see the degree abbreviation attached to your name.

Review the list of abbreviations for the academic degree you have obtained (see Resources). For example, those who have earned a "Bachelor of Laws" degree will find that they will use "LL.B."

Review your degree's formal title to ensure that you are using the appropriate abbreviation. For example, law degree recipients may have earned the "Juris Doctor" degree or the "Bachelor of Laws" degree.

Write the appropriate abbreviation after your name, preceded with a comma. For example "John Doe, J.D." means that John Doe has earned his "Juris Doctor" or "Doctor of Law" degree.

Nicholas Smith has written political articles for, "The Daily Californian" and other publications since 2004. He is a former commissioner with the city of Berkeley, Calif. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in political science from the University of California-Berkeley and a Juris Doctor from St. John's University School of Law.
