Deeded Property Rights & Cemetery Plots

Cemeteries are broken up into many different plot sizes that can be privately owned.

Cemetery plots are legally considered to be purchased, deeded property. This allows property rights to be applied to the property for owners to purchase, transfer and use the cemetery plot according to local regulations.

1 Owners

Cemeteries are often owned by a private company. This company is allowed to break the area up into sections suitable for burial of human remains and to privately sell each section. Each section or plot in a cemetery should have its own deed that the owner receives after payment of all applicable fees and taxes.

2 Land Use

Unlike other types of privately owned property, cemetery plots are restricted by land use regulations. Cemetery plots may only be used by the owner of the plot to legally bury human or animal remains according to local law. Owners may not dispose of remains in any way that could hurt the local ecosystem or cause damage, such as burning remains.

3 Cemetery Plots as an Asset

Like other deeded property, cemetery plots can be considered an asset to the owner. The owner can legally sell or otherwise transfer the property, including transfer by inheritance. The owner of a cemetery plot can dictate in a will or other legal document how the property is to be used by their beneficiary, such as if they want to be buried on the property.

Kristin Swain has been a professional writer since 1998. Her experience includes publication in various literary magazines and newspapers, such as the "Butler Herald." Swain has edited work for network television shows "NCIS" and "seaQuest." She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications from Georgia State University.
