How to Write a Speech on Fear

Nearly everyone has experienced that creepy, crawly, something-just-isn't-right feeling associated with fear. For some, fear is induced by a dark house on a stormy night; for others, it's the sight of a spider or bee, or a supernatural being, such as a zombie. As you prepare to give your next speech, consider making this universal feeling your topic of choice. By crafting a speech on the topic of fear, you can encourage your audience to think back on times when they have felt like their lives were on the line, creating unity among your listeners through the arousal of a common emotion.
Brainstorm about fear. Sit down with a piece of paper, pencil and timer. Set the timer for 10 minutes, and start writing. Keep your hand moving the entire time, writing down anything that comes into your mind when you hear the word “fear.”
Select a message. After your 10 minutes have passed, look back over what you wrote and circle or star the ideas you think are the strongest. On the bottom of your paper, or on the back, write down an overall message you could convey about fear. For example, if you have listed an array of things that scare you but that you don't think would scare others, your theme may be “fear is a personal thing.”
Choose supports. Below your selected message, list three to four things you could say to support your message. For example, if you are trying to prove that fear unites people, you could jot down, among other things, that people huddle together at haunted houses when caught off-guard by scary sights.
Open with an engaging lead. Aim to capture your listeners' attention from the start by beginning your speech with a quote about fear, a fear-inducing scary story or a personal account of a time in which you felt seriously afraid.
Mix research and personal experience. Spend some time studying the science behind fear to make your speech seem better prepared. By mixing these facts with fear-related things you personally have experienced, you can craft a compelling and attention-keeping speech.
Add some quotations, peppering in words that others have said about fear. By doing so, you can ensure that your speech isn't just your perspective, but also includes others' perceptions of the topic.
Craft a strong closing. Drive the points you have made regarding fear home to your listeners by writing a strong conclusion in which you restate your main ideas and leave your listeners with something to think about. For example, if you discussed the seemingly paradoxical concept of people wanting to be scared and, as a result, enjoying things like scary movies, end your speech by referring back to the main ideas you mentioned and encouraging them to think about these things when they next buy a ticket to a horror flick.