How to Write a Current Event Essay

Current event essays are assigned to inform students about important occurrences around the world. Students will learn to reflect and form opinions about social justice while also learning how to look for publication bias. As an academic skill, current events essays enhance reading comprehension skills and allow students to strengthen their argument writing skills.
1 Choose an Appropriate Newspaper or Periodical Article
Choose an article from a reliable source, such as a major newspaper or periodical either in print or online, that best fits the current events assignment your teacher assigned you. For example, if your science teacher has assigned you a current events essay, use either the science and technology section of a major newspaper or an approved science publication or website to find an article suitable for your essay.
2 Determine Who, What, Where, When and How
After choosing an article, read through the article several times and highlight important points within the piece. Use a dictionary to define difficult words and read the article aloud to aid in reading comprehension. After reading, use your highlighted notes to jot down who, what, where, when and why. This will enable you to determine the angle of the article. Once you have an angle, develop a thesis statement that you can support using your article. For example, if you are writing about an article on global warming, you might use the following thesis: The UN states that world leaders must come together to stop global warming.
3 Develop a Supported Argument for Your Current Events Essay
In the first paragraph, introduce your article by sharing the title of the article, the author and publication. Then briefly summarize the article and state your thesis. Refer back to your highlighted article and use the body paragraphs to explain how the article proves your thesis statement. For example, if we were to use the global warming thesis statement, the body paragraphs would explain how the article proves that leaders and countries need to come together to strategize how to prevent further global warming.
4 Make Current Events Connections and Address Biases
After you have completed the body of your current events essay, move to complete the conclusion. Be sure to reaffirm your thesis once more and make any other final thoughts or observations in your conclusion. The conclusion is a suitable place to discuss the possibility of bias in your article. For example, many newspapers tend to write to a very specific type of audience. Use the final moments of your essay to reflect on how bias informs you of the way in which your article was created.