APA Style For Quoting More Than 40 Words

"APA Format" is the format for technical and professional writers to provide credit to sources of information laid out by the American Psychological Association. This format includes very specific rules regarding how papers should be formatted and how sources should be cited. Long quotes containing more than 40 words are no exception.
1 Appearance
The appropriate format for a long quote is:
Jones's (1998) study found the following:
Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time citing sources. This difficulty could be attributed to the fact that many students failed to purchase a style manual or to ask their teacher for help. (p. 199)
Or, if the year is also to be a part of the quote:
Jones's 1998 study found that:
Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time citing sources. This difficulty could be attributed to the fact that many students failed to purchase a style manual or to ask their teacher for help. (p. 199)
2 Introduction Formatting
The introduction to a long quote begins on its own line at the margin. The source should be used as the introduction. If the date is not to be included in the introduction, it should be included in parentheses after the source's name. The introduction should end with a colon that leads into the direct quotation.
3 Quote Formatting
The quotation itself does not use quotation marks but is indented 1/2 inch in its entirety. The entire quote should be a separate text block starting two lines below the introduction. At the end of the quote, the page number should be noted in parentheses after the final punctuation.
4 Reference List
Sources for long quotes should be included in the Reference List in the same manner as all other sources with a hanging indent.