How to Take a Three-Minute Shower

As the earth's resources become more precious locally and around the world, environmentally conscious students are at the forefront of efforts to conserve water. According to the University of Minnesota Extension website, a 10-minute shower requires 50 gallons of water, as opposed to a 3-minute shower, which requires only about 15 gallons. Although it takes a certain amount of practice and preparation, a short shower is just as cleansing as a long shower, which is good to know when you're running late for that early morning class.
Get organized before you turn the water on. Place your soap, shampoo, conditioner, washcloth and other shower necessities within easy reach. Lay your towel in a handy spot so you can reach it easily when you step out of the shower.
Remove your clothing and then turn on the water. While the water is heating, set a kitchen timer for 3 minutes. Alternatively, hook your MP3 player to speakers and choose a song that lasts three minutes. Be sure any electrical devices are located safely away from the shower.
Adjust the water to a comfortable temperature and then step into the shower.
Wet your hair and body and then shampoo your hair. To save time, use a shower-conditioner combo. Scrub your body while the conditioner is doing its thing. If you use a conditioner that stays in your hair more than a minute or two, turn off the water during that time.
Rinse your hair, letting the clear water run down to rinse your body. Rinse your body quickly to remove remaining soap.
Turn off the water and step out of the shower.
- Unless you have oily hair, shampooing two or three times per week is enough. Frequent shampooing strips the hair of natural oil, creating a dry, frazzled appearance.
- Take a cool or lukewarm shower. You'll save energy and you won't be tempted to take a long, hot, luxurious shower.
- To conserve even more water, take a Navy shower. Step under the water just long enough to wet your hair and body. Turn off the water while you shampoo and soap up. Turn on the water when you are ready to rinse.