Kids Church Activities for Psalm 1

Kids’ church activities open up opportunities for children to learn the Bible. These activities are designed to reinforce children’s memories of a verse and make studying the Bible fun. Church activities for Psalm 1--which is about the righteous and the ungodly--are designed to help kids to memorize, understand, and enjoy the Scripture. To make learning an interesting and effective activity, it is important to have creativity.
1 Memory Verses
Memory verses and songs ensure that children master the Scripture. To create a long-lasting memory of what you have taught about Psalm 1, pull out specific verses and ask the children to memorize them. Songs enhance internalization of the Scripture of study. If you have a number of children, make each kid memorize a verse. Memory verses can also be illustrated by the use of crafts. Children are provided with papers and markers and they sketch the verses. Pictures make it fun and memorable.
2 Review and Reward Game
"Review and reward game" refers to recapping a lesson and asking questions to find out whether the children understood it. The teacher asks the church children to contribute any idea that they understood from Psalm 1. Every child who mentions an idea is rewarded. This motivates children to learn and to pay attention. A teacher devises a preferred mode of reward to the children.
3 Dramatize the Lesson
To dramatize the lesson refers to use of actions to accompany words in the subject. The teacher asks students to perform some actions that describe certain words in the topic. If your subject is in Psalm 1:1--which begins "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked"--let the children use actions to dramatize "blessed," "lives," "walks," and "wicked." The teacher guides the children on which actions to use.
4 Righteous vs. Wicked
"Righteous versus wicked" is an activity that requires children to guess antonyms. This game is done at the beginning of a lesson to alert the children. The children can be asked to name the opposites of words such as good, right, and love. This is appropriate for Psalm 1, which discusses two opposites; the wicked people and the righteous people. The teacher explains meaning of key words such as "wicked" and "righteousness." To expound on some words such as righteousness, stress the "right" as a word the children would be familiar with. This makes it easy for kids to understand.
5 Thumbs up
"Thumbs up" is an activity in which the teacher asks the children to hold their thumbs up when they hear certain words. This is done by the teacher reading certain verses and children paying attention to specific listening for those words. While reading Psalm 1:1, ask the children to hold up their thumbs if they hear words such as "God," "blessed," or any positive thing. The children are asked to hold their thumbs down if they hear words such as "wicked" or anything negative.