Etiquette for Flying Multiple Flags With the Amercan Flag

The United States Flag Code specifies the acceptable practices for flying the American flag. The specific etiquette for flying the American flag with other flags -- either those of other nations, states or organizations -- is covered in Section 4 U.S.C. § 7 of the Flag Code.
1 Proper Positioning
No flag may be flown above the U.S. flag or to its right when flown at the same height in any U.S. state or territory. The only exceptions to this rule are U.S. Navy church services aboard ship, in which the church banner may be flown above the U.S. flag, and the United Nations headquarters, at which the U.N. flag may be flown in a superior position.
2 Flown with the Flags of Other Nations
When flown with the flags of other nations during peacetime, the U.S. flag should be flown from a separate staff of equal height. International flag etiquette forbids flying one national flag above another during peacetime. The U.S. flag should be flown to its own right. If flown in a parade with a line of other flags, it may be flown to the front and center of the other flags.
3 Flown with State or Organizational Flags
When flown on a single flagpole with the U.S. flag, state, territorial and organizational flags and banners should be flown under the U.S. flag. When flown on separate flagpoles, the U.S. flag should be flown above and to the center of the other flags.