What Is a Preliminary Research Design?

Developing a research project involves a lot of planning and preparation. A preliminary research design describes the specifics of a planned project and should address the purpose of the proposed study, as well as details on how the study will be conducted.
1 Introduction and Objectives
A preliminary research design must introduce the proposed study by stating what the study will be investigating, the hypothesis, and the significance of the subject. By completing a literature review, summarizing the main findings of these studies, and relating them to the current project, the researcher can explain how their study adds to the existing field of knowledge.
2 Research Design and Methods
Preliminary research design must provide an overview of the study's methodology. This should include an explanation of what variables will be looked at and how they will be measured, where the study will take place, what tools or techniques will be used, and other information regarding how the study will be conducted.
3 Time Line and Budget
The researcher must propose a specific time line for her project in her preliminary research design, in which different stages of the study are allotted different amounts of time. Research designs also address the project's budget. It's best to identify specific expenditures and give an accurate view of precisely how money will be spent.