Do I Need to Meet a Girl's Parents Before I Ask Her Out?

Holidays and other family events may give you an opportunity to meet her parents.
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You have met someone who strikes your interest, but now you worry about the next steps. Figuring out when to meet a girl's parents could reduce your anxiety and give you a confidence boost when the time arrives to ask her out on a date. Knowing today's etiquette when it comes to meeting and impressing her parents can help you start off a relationship on the right foot.

1 Meeting Her Parents

If the idea of meeting her parents, or even asking their permission before you ask out their daughter, has made your palms sweaty, there is no need to worry. Most people do not meet a girl's parents until after they begin dating, and often not until the relationship has become exclusive, according to social psychologist Theresa DiDonato in the Psychology Today article "When It's Time to Meet the Family." If you happen to meet her parents before you date -- if you pick her up before a school dance, for instance -- take it as an opportunity to impress them. Asking her for information about her parents ahead of time that could help you start a conversation can make an impression, according to the Two of Us article "Meet the Family: Tips for Leaving a Good Impression." If you do compliment them when meeting them, keep it genuine and avoid airing any opinions that could be controversial, such as your thoughts on politics.

Candice Coleman worked in the public school system as a middle school and high school substitute teacher. In addition to teaching, she is also a tutor for high school and college students.
