Lent Bulletin Board Ideas

Bulletin boards can be used to illustrate ideas, present information and encourage creativity. If you are creating a bulletin board for Lent, you can capture attention by adding a splash of color and a touch of spirit. Start with a basic Lenten theme or topic, then add text and images to get your message across.
1 Start the Countdown
Make a simple bulletin board marking the 40 days of Lent to give students insight into Lent’s history. Use a solid background, then choose pictures--such as doves or Jesus knelt in prayer--to mark the 40 days. Make the items in light or pastel colors and number them "1" to "40." Then create a Lenten journey across the board to symbolize the 40 days of Lent. Schedule an activity each day to convey the message of Lent, then choose a student to mark the day off of the calendar.
2 What to Give Up for Lent
Create an active bulletin board to help your students reevaluate their lifestyles. Make a bulletin board with a child in the center, thinking and staring upward. Surround him with images such as iPods, cell phones, friends, computers, sports and TVs in a circular fashion. In the upper right corner, show an image of a cross and on the bottom of the board write, “What did He give up?”
3 Make it Relatable
Find a way to make people interested and immersed in the spirit of Lent. On the bulletin board, show images of kids gossiping, cheating on an exam or having a food fight in the lunchroom. Have Jesus standing in the middle of the room, supervising the way a teacher would, and include a simple title such as, “There will always be temptation.”
4 Play With Words
Use a word jumble bulletin board to illustrate all of the words and themes associated with Lent. Use large, bold cutout letters for this design. Start with the word “Lent” in the center, then attach words such as "fasting," "temptation," "40 days" and "prayer" around the board in different fonts, sizes and colors to make it interesting.
5 Answer Questions
You could also make your bulletin board in a question and answer format, asking questions such as: “What is Lent?” “Do all religions celebrate Lent?” and “How long does Lent last?” Support the answers with visual aids such as pictures, posters, magazine articles or solid objects, such as a cross.