How to Write a Simple Church Resolution
29 SEP 2017

According to Merriam-Webster, a resolution is a formal expression of the will or intent of an official body. Churches can use resolutions for various circumstances, such as to propose changes to by-laws or to memorialize deceased members. Using a specific format, a church resolution is an official document stored in the church archives. The proper format has five sections: the title; introduction; whereas section; resolved section; and official statement.
Create a title for the resolution that reflects the reason for the resolution and any requested action. Center the title at the top of the page. An example of a title would be: "Resolution in Loving Memory of Reverend Brown."
Begin with the introduction, acknowledging the situation or the person. You can include a Bible passage or an appropriate funeral poem.
Give justifications or reasons for your resolution. This section is called the “Whereas section.” Start each statement with the word “Whereas.” Write a “Whereas statement” for each reason or justification.
State the action you plan to take. This section is known as the “Resolved section.” Start the first action statement with the words “Therefore be it resolved.” Begin each additional action statement with the words “Be it further resolved.” Each “Resolved statement” should address one or more of your “Whereas statements."
End with an official proclamation. Have the church officials acknowledge the resolution with a formal statement. You can also use a Bible verse. Close with the phrase “Humbly submitted by." Have the pastor and board officers sign the resolution.
Give a copy to the intended party, and file the original in the church archives.