How to Make Mala Beads Easily

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Mala beads are traditional Buddhist prayer beads, referred to as juzu in the Japanese traditions. Although the number of beads differs between Buddhist traditions, most full mala have 108 beads and smaller wrist mala have 27 beads, plus two same-sized or slightly smaller, different-colored dividing beads. Both types of mala have an additional large bead known as the Buddha bead or guru bead. Although the 108-bead mala is most often used by Buddhist priests and monks in a temple setting, the wrist mala is beneficial to meditation and mindfulness practitioners. Make your own wrist mala to help keep track of chanting or use as a daily reminder to be mindful.

1 Cut a 10-inch length

Cut a 10-inch length of elastic beading thread. Knot the bottom so the beads do not slip off while making the mala.

2 Thread six 10-mm beads onto the elastic

Thread six 10-mm beads onto the elastic, using beads of the same color. Place a seventh, different-colored 10-mm bead onto the elastic string.

3 Match the original six beads

Thread fifteen 10-mm beads that match the original six beads, followed by another different-colored bead. Follow this by adding six more beads matching the original.

4 Hold both ends

Hold both ends of the elastic together and thread them through the large bead and out the other end. Thread both ends through an 8-mm bead after the large bead. This forms the Buddha bead.

5 Knot the elastic in a double or triple knot

Knot the elastic in a double or triple knot so it doesn't slip up into the beads. Leave a 1-inch end on the elastic.

6 Push the elastic

Push the elastic through the top loop on the tassel. Tie the elastic securely so the tassel hangs beneath the Buddha bead. Trim any excess elastic.

Jenny Harrington has been a freelance writer since 2006. Her published articles have appeared in various print and online publications. Previously, she owned her own business, selling handmade items online, wholesale and at crafts fairs. Harrington's specialties include small business information, crafting, decorating and gardening.
