Sikh Vs. Islam
29 SEP 2017

Although they share some similarities, Sikhism and Islam are fundamentally different religions that reflect different beliefs about God. These differences reflect fundamentally different views on the nature of the relationship between God and the individual, as well as differing practices of worship. Both religions have a long tradition and followers all over the world.
1 Sikhism
Sikhism is a relatively new religion dating back to the fifteenth century in the Punjab area, in what is now Northern India and Pakistan. The guru Nanak saw a divide between the Muslim and Hindu faiths and created a new religion centered around the direct love and worship of God. Sikhs believe that by reflecting on the sacred relationship between language and thought, they can silence their ego and achieve a feeling of ecstasy and bliss. The central tenets of Sikhism preach the equality of all human beings and peace.
2 Islam
Islam is a much older religion than Sikhism and preaches the divine presence of God or Allah in daily life. In Islam, God does not have a form but has 99 attributes, such as merciful, that describe his character. In fact, all of Islam is based on the principle of mercy, as Islamic scripture teaches that those who expect mercy from God must be merciful themselves. By praying regularly, Muslims can come to better understand the nature of God and partake in his divinity.
3 Similarities
Despite being fundamentally different religions, Sikhism and Islam share a number of similarities, most of which center around the notion of a single, all-powerful and loving God. Both religions share a familial relationship with God that views him as not just the Creator, but also a father. Similarly, they both condemn the worship of idols and encourage helping the poor and needy. These two religions also share a similar creation story in which God creates the universe through sheer will.
4 Differences
The differences between Sikhism and Islam tend to revolve around how followers regard other religions. While Sikhs believe that followers of all religions can achieve salvation, Muslims believe that only Islamic converts can enter paradise. Similarly, Sikhs unlike Muslims do not believe that any Holy Scripture takes precedence over another. Individual practices also differ. For example, while Sikhs wear turbans and refuse to cut their hair as a sign of devotion to God, Muslims have no such prohibition.