How to Address an Envelope to Finland
29 SEP 2017

If you are sending a letter or package to Finland, there are some things you should know about addressing the envelope. While the address format is similar to the one used in the United States and many other countries, there are a few subtle differences. Overlooking these differences could cause your correspondence to be delayed, misdirected or even returned. Follow these tips and you can ensure your envelope arrives at its intended destination.
1 Start with the addressee
Start with the addressee. Write out the person's actual name, avoiding nicknames if possible. If the envelope is going to a business and is not directed to a specific individual, the business name goes first.
2 Add supplemental information
Add supplemental information. If there is any additional information about the addressee, it goes on the second line. For example, if the envelope is going to an individual within a company, the company name goes here. Other supplemental information might include a department name, building floor or c/o (care-of) name.
3 Write the street address
Write the street address. In Finland, the street name is written first, followed by the house or building number. In the case of an apartment or other building with multiple units, the format is street name, house number, entrance letter and unit number. An example of this is Rakunnanjie 31 B 8.
4 Write the postal code and city name and on the next line
Write the postal code and city name on the next line. Unlike in the U.S., Finnish addresses list the postal code before the city name. The letters, "FI" should be added in front of the postal code, followed by the city name in block letters. For example: FI-00550 HELSINKI.
5 Finish with the country
Finish with the country. Beneath the postal code and city, you will need to write FINLAND in block letters. When you have it all written out, the final address should look something like this: Embassy of the United States of America Itäinen Puistotie 14 B FI-00140 HELSINKI FINLAND