First Day of High School Tips
19 SEP 2022

1 What to Expect on the First Day?
The transition from middle school to high school can be a harrowing one for many teenagers. New teachers, new classmates, and a heavier workload can cause even the most self-assured students to feel anxious or scared. With a little preparation and planning, however, you'll be able to conquer your first-day-of-high-school and back to school fears head on. While freshman year of high school can be daunting, there are plenty of things to do to make sure you can best prepare for the newness of high school classes. With the new school year can come new friends, new classes, new interests and even new schoolwork or school supplies. High school students who may feel jitters, anxiety or nerves on their first day can consider making meetings with their guidance counselor as needed for mental health support.
High school can offer a wide range of new after school extracurricular activities, so try to check out a list of these activities within your first time in the new high school setting if you are interested in involvement. From starting high school on day one to the time they graduate their senior year, there are many ups and downs that students will encounter in classes and overall experiences of high school. While high school is very different from elementary school and middle school, there are still many chances to make a good first impression in your first week of high school. Everyone has a different, unique high school experience, and it all starts as students enter their first year as high school freshman.
2 What are Some First Day of High School Tips?
3 Attend Orientation
If your high school offers a freshman orientation, attend it. These orientations provide helpful information about the high school's policies and procedures, and they usually provide guided tours of the buildings so that you can get used to the layout. In addition, you'll meet your school’s principal and teachers as well as new classmates, which can be especially helpful if your high school combines students from multiple middle schools in your district. You’ll also learn about new clubs or athletic programs you can join, which can help you meet new people and ease your transition.
4 Plan Ahead
As soon as you can, snag a copy of your class schedule. Then, with a friend or family member, visit your school and map out the path to your locker, your classrooms, the gym and the cafeteria. Begin from where the bus will drop you off and highlight the route. Make a map from start to finish. While you're on your tour, introduce yourself to any teachers who are working in their rooms and seem accessible. Meeting a few familiar, friendly faces in advance can alleviate fears and worries. You can even mentally prepare your scheduled day the night before so that you can mentally take note of where to go and what to do during your school day. Try to get as much rest or enough sleep as you can before your first day. Also consider creating a morning routine for your school days to stay on top of tasks and make sure you get to classes on time with other high schoolers as this is an important time management task.
5 Use the Buddy System
If you're attending the same school district you've been in your entire life, chances are you'll see friends in some of your classes. Before the first day, compare schedules and see which classes you have in common. Determine a central point to meet up when you arrive at school. If you are new to the district, your guidance office may provide you with an older student mentor to help you navigate the halls. If one isn’t offered, ask at the office for help. Don’t feel intimidated by high school cliques either, as some may be welcoming or inviting once you get to know those around you.
6 Don't Buy Into the Hype
Between the teen-movie stereotypes and tall tales from upperclassmen or older siblings, you may worry that you’ll be shoved into a locker, tripped or stripped of your lunch money. While bullying can happen, your day will most likely be a lot less eventful, so relax and seek support from friends and family. Also remember to stay on top of your mental health in this new environment, and the school counselor is there to help once school starts. If you or your friends have older siblings who have already made the leap into high school, ask them for advice and suggestions. Don’t think that you have to wear makeup or stand out to fit in. Remember, at the end of the day, even the coolest seniors were freshmen once, too. Before you know it, you’ll be navigating the halls like a pro.